1. Introduction
Snoring Explained: Causes, Effects, and How Anti-Snoring Devices Can Help

Hello dear Homies, I hope you all are aware of the word snoring as this problem is becoming common nowadays but for those who doesn’t know anything about it, but still facing it as a snorer1 or snorer’s partner, so let’s discuss something about this topic and also explore some anti snoring devices.
Snoring is a common problem that can disturb your partner sleep it doesn’t bother you but affects your partner basically when air can’t flow easily through your nose or mouth then it occurs. If we talk about mild or occasional snoring it’s not a matter of concern as this occurs due to tiredness and it is harmless. But chronic or loud snoring can increase risk off certain health conditions like sleep apnea2. Anti snoring devices say just nasal strips, mouth guards and many more can help to reduce weird sounds and bad affects of this medical condition as this devices keep airway open so that air can passes easily and doesn’t produce snoring, wheezing, loud breathing sounds.
Before we begins I want to discuss some various names of snoring used in this article, and I also added one my own name given to it:
- Sleep Sounds
- Rhonchus
- Snort
- Wheezing
- Snorer
- Breathing noisily
- My favorite human train
Sleeping sounds is an easy word and anyone can easily recognizes it that in what sense it is used, human train is just for fun and rhonchus is used in medical term.
By paying attention on this condition it can help to improve sleep and overall well being of both snorer and their partner. We talk about this remedies in this article so let’s start-
2.Symptoms of snoring
So firstly we discuss about symptoms of wheezing or sleep sounds, it will help you understand and locate problem easily:
- Loud breathing sound during sleep: During sleep when air flow interrupts and become difficult for it to pass through our nasal passage or throat then it creates sound such as grunting, rattling or vibrating sound.
- Not even sleep: As due to snoring one has to wake up during night many times this causes restlessness and interrupts sleep.
- Daytime fatigue: After sleeping full night person feels tired or drowsy in daytime.
- Dry mouth: As due to nasal blockage, whole night snorer breaths from mouth that’s why he/she wakes up with dry mouth or throat irritation.
- Pauses in breathing: It is observed by others it is indication for obstructive sleep apnea.
- Morning headaches: As due to snoring oxygen intake is reduced during sleep that’s why it causes headache problem.
- Poor concentration: Due to sleep destruction it becomes difficult to focus or remember things.
- Mood changes: Lack of quality sleep results in mood swings and irritability.
So I guess my Homies can easily figure out if this symptoms related to you or your partner, and list out them in your mind so that you can analyze our next section.
3.Causes of snoring
Let’s dive in the topic where we discuss causes of this sound problem which irritates at night, basically sleeping sounds caused by vibration of tissues in throat due to restriction in airflow. Here I list out some common causes of snoring:
- Nasal issues: When nasal airways are blocked due to seasonal allergies, cold or sinus then it forces us to breathe through mouth which ultimately leads to uneven sound from nasal passage.
- Obesity: When fat around a person’s neck increases it creates pressure on air passage, which makes you or your partner human train.
- Sleep Position: Inappropriate position of sleeping plays crucial role in sleeping sounds.
- Age: This also considered an important factor in snoring, as people age increases, muscles in throat become weaker, hence results in snoring. But few cases are found with new born babies also produces wheezing sound.
- Alcohol and Sedatives: These affects muscles in throat, so consumption of these leads to same problem, as you all know Homies.
- Sleep Apnea: One of the major cause of snorting.
- Enlarged Tonsils: Tonsils enlargement also plays vital role.
- Gender: Men are more snorer than women because they have narrower air passage.
- Dehydration: When a person is dehydrated it brings many problems with it, so snorting is also part of it.
So dear Homies, considering these causes find your problem and take some home remedies for your treatment as I personally felt that, home remedies are best than any other treatment, so at first we understand our problem and after that take corrective measures to treat it. So now, let’s discuss some different types of snoring, it helps to list out your problem easily-
4.Types of Snoring
So let’s discuss some common types of snoring, which helps you to find out in which category you fall:
- Nasal type
- Cause: If we talk about nasal snoring it is caused due to allergies, sinus, nasal polyps, or deviated septum.
- Sound: Whistling or rattling sound, originates from nose.
- Mouth Snoring
- Cause: When snorer sleeps with keeping mouth open, due to blocked nasal passage or relaxed throat muscles.
- Sound: Low, rumbling noise, sound originates when mouth is open.
- Tongue-Based
- Cause: During night tongue falls backward, due to which airway blocks. This type of snoring is common in people with naturally large tongue or those who sleep on their back.
- Sound: Deep, rattling sound occurs.
- Throat-Based
- Cause: Throat muscles during sleep, partially blocks airway due to relaxed or weak throat. Often due to obesity or alcohol consumption.
- Sound: Loud and irregular, sometimes accompanied with gasping or choking.
- Mixed
- Cause: As name clearly suggest it is a combination of nasal, mouth, tongue, or throat snoring. Clearly full package.
- Sound: Sounds in this type of snoring varies, depending on the contributing factors.
- Positional
- Cause: Occurs only when person sleeps on his/her back, as due to gravity air passage collapse.
- Sound: Sounds normally stops after changing position.
- Chronic Snoring
- Cause: In this type of snoring, it usually occurs due to anatomical issues (e.g., obesity, deviated septum, or enlarged tonsils).
- Sound: Continuous and loud.
Sounds of Snoring
- Loud nasal grunts: “Hrrnnn…. hrrnnn”
- Deep, throaty rumbles: “Grrr…grrr…grrr”
- High pitched: “Eeee…eeee…eeee”
- Chocking or gasping sounds: “Gulp…gulp…gulp”
- Rattling or vibrating sounds: “Rrrzzz…rrrzzz”
- Sputtering or bubbling sounds: “Pffft…pffft…pffft”
- Low, rumbling growls: “Grrrooowww…grrrrooowww”

But I want to clearly mention that these sounds can vary person to person, so just go and check your partner what sound produces by him/her and comment us below. And if you are snorer then, discuss with your sleeping partner. As these sounds doesn’t make problems for snorer, these opportunity lies in the destiny of partner, because in most of the cases snores doesn’t aware of this problem.
5. Lifestyle Changes and Anti snoring devices
Here I tried to list out some remedies to stop snoring, I hope this may be useful for you all.
- Lifestyle Changes
- Maintain healthy weight. As extra weight around neck put pressure on your airway, as a result sound produces.
- Avoid alcohol, smoking, and sedatives (especially before bed). Alcohol relax throat muscles and smoking irritates airways, that can increase chances of
- Stay Hydrated. As drinking a lot of water prevents mucus in throat to thicken, ultimately prevents snoring.
- By adopting these changes, wheezing sound stops as well as our lifestyle also improved.
- Natural Remedies
- Honey: Before going to bed mix a spoonful of honey with warm water or green tea, it helps in soothe the throat.
- Turmeric: Mix ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder with warm water or milk before bedtime to reduce sounds.
- Ginger: Make ginger tea by extracting fresh ginger juice, results in inflammation.
- Peppermint Oil: Add few drops of oil to your pillow or inhale it before bedtime.
- Eucalyptus Oil: Use a diffuser and add few drops in it or inhale it directly.
- Positional Therapy
- Sleeping Position. If you sleep on your back it causes tongue to fall back as a result wheezing sound occurs. So try to sleep on your side and also can use sleeping pillows to maintain good sleeping posture.
- Elevate your head. Using a thicker or double pillow or an adjustable bed elevates your head, which helps in keeping your airway open, as a result snoring stops.
- Nasal Remedies
- Use saline sprays or steam inhalation to clear nasal congestion.
- Use nasal strips or dilators. These can help open nasal passage.
- And further if we talk about yoga, you can perform alternate nostril breathing (anulom vilom) and breath of fire (kapalabhati).
- Oral and Throat Remedies
- Avoid heavy meals before bedtime, try to eat dinner 2-3hrs before sleep, for late night you can take liquid diet.
- Stay hydrated so that mucus buildup reduces.
- Practice throat exercises to strengthen air passage muscles. Perform ocean breath (ujjayi) and bellows breath (bhastrika).
- Anti-Snoring Devices (How to stop snoring immediately)
As if you want to stop snore immediately so here is the list of few devices which might can help you to control immediately:- Mouth guards or mandibular advancement devices (MADs): These are dental devices which helps snorer by repositioning lower jaw and tongue to keep airway open, they are typically fitted by dentists
- Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP): It is advanced device especially for sleep apnea. By using this, constant air delivers through a mask to keep airway open.
- Nasal Strips or Dilators: It helps you by keeping nasal passage open, for easy and noise free breathing dury sleep
- Anti-Snoring Pillows: There are many pillows available in market that helps in maintaining good sleep posture. They can encourage side sleeping ultimately reduces chances of snorting or wheezing. Some images shown below and to purchase them just click image, it will land you on purchase link of reputed platform Amazon (no paid promotion, only for reference purposes).
- Chin Straps: As we discussed earlier wheezing sound also occurs due to breathing through mouth, so Chin straps help by keeping our mouth close.
- Nasal Dilators: These devices are inserted into the nostrils so that are national passages become widen and air flow improves, ultimately problem of snoring, wheezing and rattling reduces.
6. Identifying Your Snoring Type and anti snoring devices
Below is the table in which I tried to simplify home remedies and anti snoring devices in relevant of particular snoring type so that you can easily find your type of problem and relevant treatment.
Serial No. | Types | Description | Home Remedies | Anti Snoring Devices | Purchase Links 👇 |
01. | Nasal | Caused by nasal congestion or blockage | Try steam inhalation | Nasal dilators, nasal strips | Nasal Strips |
02. | Mouth | Caused by mouth falling open during sleep | Try sleeping on your side | Mouth guards, chin straps | Chin Straps |
03. | Tongue | Caused by tongue falling back | Try tongue exercises | Tongue retaining devices | Tongue Device |
04. | Throat | Weak throat muscles | Try throat exercises | CPAP | N/A |
05. | Mixed | Combination of all types | All treatment above | Mixed devices | N/A |
06. | Positional | When sleep on back | Kapalbhati | Anti-Snoring Pillow | Pillow |
07. | Chronic | Due to anatomical issues | Try all treatments | Specialist suggested devices | N/A |
7. Impact of snoring on health and relationships
It leaves impact on snorer’s health as well as relations discussed below
- Impact on Health:
- Sleep apnea- Snoring is an indication of obstructive sleep apnea in this condition breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. due to which person feels tired during day, suffers from 5 blood pressure, there is a high risk of heart disease and stroke.
- Poor sleep quality- As discussed ear many times that snores sleep cycle is disturbed completely, Over a period of time irregularity in proper sleep can we can the immune system of a person.
- Mental health issues– Lack of proper sleep also have affect on your mind as studies says that person with lack of sleep shows mood swings depression anxiety in memory problems.
- Weight gain- Poor sleep also leaves impact on body weight as hormonal imbalances lead to increase of appetite, directly affecting our body weight.
- Impact on Relationships:
- Disturbance in partner sleep- whenever you snore’s, it also affects your partner’s sleep, leading to frustration and resentment. In most of the cases couples might sleep in separate rooms which reduces physical and emotional intimacy.
- Communication strain: When arguments increases on the topic of snoring it creates a barrier in smooth relationship, sometimes snorer may feel defensive or embarrassed for his or her condition which also complicates relationship.
- Reduced quality time, as person due to this can’t sleep properly and fatigueness leads to irritability in mood and energy also low for various activities referred as reduced quality time.
- Perceived neglect, sometimes partner may not understand snorer’s behaviour example falling asleep during conversations as disinterest it also affects emotional connection between two of them.

8. When to see a doctor
After all this suggestions if you still have questions like Why am i snoring so badly or how to stop snoring immediately so just visit specialist near you. And consultation is necessary
- When snoring persists for long time or it was due to sleep apnea symptoms consult specialist doctor.
- Surgical options include uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), nasal surgery, etc.
- I also want to suggest homeopathic medicine Snorid, Snorefree. But first consult with relevant doctor or homeopathic pharmacist for best guidance.
9. Conclusion
It affects ones relations and health, so address it and make your life happy once again. But I want to add some funny instance in this topic, that in Bigg Boss 18 Avinash Mishra performs dance on snorting sound of Karan Mehra which is going viral. And if you want to relate your condition with a movie so there is a suggestion just go and check it out DeAr (2024). In this movie problem starts when husband was light sleeper and discovered that his wife snores loudly, so how he manages this scenario and where it ends, was an amazing experience.
Our Homepage- Homeliances
What is snoring, and why does it happen?
Dear homies I already explained in above article, so let’s summarize it again. When airflow is partially obstructed during sleep, causing tissues in throat or nasal passage to vibrate and produce various types of sound.
Is snoring a sign of serious health issue?
Occasional snoring is usually harmless, but loud and chronic snoring may indicate sleep apnea or other health concerns, as discussed in point 7 how it effects health and relationships.
Who is more likely to snore?
Snoring can affect anyone no matter age or sex, but it is common in older adults, people with overweight and men.
Can children snore?
Yes, even new born babies can snore.
How can I stop snoring permanently?
Lifestyle Changes
Positional therapy
Natural remedies
Oral and Throat Remedies
Anti-Snoring Devices
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